Citizen Cane

Old hickory as a movie star. Somehow I think Orson Welles’ movie would have been slightly more violent with Andrew Jackson in it.

Self Portrait (Odd)

Did a self portrait while waiting in my truck at work. Since I can’t do anything normally I just kept adding strange details. I’m actually pretty happy with how this turned out.

Pokemon Master

Another old Inktober drawing. Made my way back up to the middle of nowhere today, so I’ll probably do at least a couple more new drawings.

More Paintings

Well I was bored today.
If anyone knows any tricks for taking pictures of paintings, I appreciate any advice.

2013-08-10 18.39.31
I might add a bit more to this one, not too sure yet.

2013-08-10 18.38.51
Added more detail and warmed up the colours a bit here, I’ll keep tinkering with this one for a while yet.

2013-08-10 18.39.11
Just barely started this one, not too sure what its going to look like when its done yet.


I have no idea what I’m doing with acrylics… so I’m just going to continue throwing paint at this till it looks right.

2013-08-08 11.01.04