More Paintings

Well I was bored today.
If anyone knows any tricks for taking pictures of paintings, I appreciate any advice.

2013-08-10 18.39.31
I might add a bit more to this one, not too sure yet.

2013-08-10 18.38.51
Added more detail and warmed up the colours a bit here, I’ll keep tinkering with this one for a while yet.

2013-08-10 18.39.11
Just barely started this one, not too sure what its going to look like when its done yet.


Polished up that last picture, I think I may have used black a bit too excessively, but it was a learning experience.


Good Morning

Inspiration and motivation seem to be in short supply, hopefully things become quicker and more consistent after I move at the end of this month.


Not Dead, and new art

Well its only been a few months since I last remembered to draw, upload, or really do anything creative wise around here. I’m seriously contemplating hiring someone to follow me around repeating “Have you drawn anything yet?”

I don’t think I’ll be able to do 5 updates a week as I used to, but I’ll give it a try. Enough about myself and my precarious and teetering drawing ethic, here another picture.
